Friday, June 5, 2009

Ways to Sell Your Collection

You've changed your focus, run out of space, tired of dusting or just need the money. Whatever the reason, it's time to lose the collection. But how?

If you're not in a hurry selling items individually will usually bring higher prices than if selling the entire collection as a group, which is also more difficult.

Selling the collection individually can also pay off if you have rare pieces that are sought after by collectors.

The downside: it takes more time and effort than one realizes.
1. Online Malls
Getting the best price depends on the venue chosen, e.g. don't sell autographs on a site that is heavy into antiques or vice-versa. Do some research and find out where your type of collectors are hanging out and where they are buying.

It can be a bit of work loading your descriptions, pictures and general set-up. But you get to set your own prices and although someone might ask for a better deal, you still decide the final price. Fees can vary widely.
2. Online Auctions
Here's where those rare items can pay off. Can you say Bidding War?It's what all sellers dream of and can happen if your stuff is in excellent condition and hard-to-find. Mention online auctions and eBay is what comes to mind, but there are many other auction options. Check the auction list for options that might be a better fit.
3. Bonanzle
I'm not quite sure how to classify Bonanzle. It's not really an auction site -- but it could be, as some sellers will have a live auction. It's more like an online mall, but different. The listing fees are free, selling fees are 3% and there is lots of interaction between buyers and sellers.

* Bonanzle - Another Option for Buyers and Sellers

4. Collector Clubs/Online Forums
Most collector clubs have bulletin boards and/or publications where you can buy and sell to other members. This is great way to sell a collection if the club has a large or active roster and you have those sought after goodies.

* Collector Clubs

Reach out in as many places as you can by posting for sale listings on collector forums and bulletin boards around the Internet.

* About Collectibles Forum

5. Classified Ads
Weekly/monthly collector publications offer classified ads and it really wasn't that long ago that it was the only way to find those elusive items across the country. Unfortunately many of the publications do not have the circulation of a few years ago, but keep in mind that a lot of collectors do not shop online and these collector newsletters/magazines are their only source of information.

One source that I've used in the past year or so has been Craigs List. It is an online option, but it's free and has an avid following, certainly worth a try!

* Antique Week

* Krause Publications
* Craig's List

6. eBay Drop Off /Consignment Stores
Find an auction drop-off business that specializes in selling your stuff for you online.

The downside: Not all stores will know about your items and you might need to do a little hand-holding to be sure descriptions are correct and categories are the best fit. Find out all fees before signing on the dotted line. Charges could include the commission, listing fee, transaction fee and Paypal fees.
7. Selling in One Swoop - Auction Houses
There is a lot to be said by getting rid of everything in one fell swoop, but that doesn't mean putting 300 cookie jars in one eBay auction and wondering why no one wants to buy them all as a group or instant collection.

If you don't want to mess with the stuff or just want to get it over with quickly, try consigning your stuff to an auction house, choices include online, local or a specialty house. Check their references, fees and work required from you before deciding on the right auction.
8. Living Estate Sale or Garage Sales
Have a living estate sale -- contact a local company that specializes in estate sales and let them do the work. You'll pay most likely pay a hefty commission (make sure to negotiate!), but you won't have to worry about the nuts and bolts of the sales or deal with folks haggling about prices.

Another option is having a Garage Sale. It's not a good idea for a collection that is especially valuable, but if you just have a lot of stuff -- it can work out.
9. Host Your Own Store Front
This is probably the most difficult option, but if you have the time and inclination, it's something to consider. It consists of building a web site, deciding on how to advertise your wares, setting up a check-out, as well as doing all the rest of the nitty-gritty that you would do for eBay or online malls.

There are thousands of web hosting company options and most offer specific plans with store-front templates and fill in the blank forms to get a site up and running. It's a nice choice for those who are computer challenged, but you will still have a bit of a learning curve.
10. ProStores from eBay
eBay offers the ProStores solution. It's your own web site with your own look and design. eBay does the hosting, charging a hosting fee and individual transaction fees. As with the other options, you'll still have to take pictures, write descriptions and decide on prices, but they take a lot of the hassle out of it.
11. Giving Your Collection Away
And last but not least, what about giving it away? Think about it. If you give your collection to charity, you'll get a tax deduction and the bottom line could be more than the bargain price you might wind up selling it for online. Check with a tax adviser to find out what records you'll need and what type of deductions can be made.

Another option is to give pieces away to friends and family who have admired your stuff over the years. They'll be delighted and it feels great to share your stuff.
12. Flea Markets Anyone?
You've probably found lots of your treasures at flea markets, perhaps now you can reverse the process and sell your unwanted treasures there. The upside is -- you're probably familiar with the local flea markets and know which ones carry your type of stuff.

It isn't necessarily any easy project to undertake, but if you're a people person, you might get bitten by the bug and start looking for more stuff to sell.

TIP: Put a small classified ad on Craig's List or in the newspaper mentioning your collection and the flea market it will be sold at. More eyes means more sales!

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